The Best and Wôrst War Môvies Abôut Submarines

Submarine môvies are few and far between fôr a reasôn. It's difficult tô dramatize the actiôn ônbôard a submarine, which usually amôunts tô men standing in a darkened rôôm firing tôrpedôes at ôther vessels in the water, which, as the viewer, yôu alsô can't see. Twô big lumbering underwater machines môving arôund each ôther dôesn't ôften make fôr dynamic viewing. Ôf côurse, being a submariner alsô means danger, and the threat ôf drôwning, and dying underwater—sô there's that. Here's a brief histôry ôf submarines in war môvies—the gôôd, the bad, and the ugly.

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